DISABILITY SUPPORTWe work with a variety of individuals

24-HOUR LIVE-IN CAREWe offer professional help and support

24-HOUR CALL OUTOur staff can be reached at any time of day

Comprehensive Supported Living Services in Essex, UK

Michael Rgis Care Services is committed to empowering individuals with diverse needs to live their lives to the fullest. Our mission is to provide unwavering support and assistance, promoting independence and well-being for those we serve. Whether you’re seeking supported living, supported accommodation, or need guidance on setting up the right care environment, we have the experience, resources, and expertise to make it happen.

Our Comprehensive Supported Living Services

Supported Living for Individuals with Learning Disabilities: We specialise in offering personalised support to individuals with learning disabilities. Our team of carers is dedicated to creating a nurturing environment that promotes growth and independence.

Support for Autistic Spectrum Individuals: Understanding the unique needs of individuals on the autistic spectrum is at the core of our services. We provide tailored care that respects individual wishes and inclinations, ensuring comfort and security.

Mental Health Support: We are committed to offering a safe and supportive environment for individuals facing mental health challenges. Our experienced professionals provide the guidance and care needed to promote mental well-being.

Semi-Independent Accommodation for Care Leavers (Aged 16+) and Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC): We have established contracts with various local authorities, including Milton Keynes, to offer semi-independent accommodation for care leavers and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. Our aim is to provide a secure and welcoming space for young people in transition.


Personalised 15-Minute Check-in Calls

We understand the importance of staying connected and ensuring the well-being of our service users. That’s why we offer a 15-minute daily check-in call. This quick but meaningful interaction allows us to address any concerns, provide support, and ensure that all needs are met.

Community Integration and Goal Achievement

At Michael Rgis Care Services, we go beyond just providing accommodation and support. We actively encourage and facilitate our service clients to gain access to facilities within their local and outside communities. We believe in helping individuals reach their goals, objectives, and desires, no matter how big or small.

Our Expanding Reach

While we currently hold a contract with Milton Keynes for semi-independent accommodation, we are not limiting our services to a single council. We are committed to expanding our reach and providing our specialised support to a broader audience. Whether you’re in the Midlands, Lancashire, Haringey, Essex or beyond, we are here to help you access the right care and accommodation.

We are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve. Our experienced team is here to support your journey towards a more independent and fulfilling life. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and explore how we can assist you or your loved one.

Get in touch with us

©Michael Rgis Care

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